Trending Hollywood News Today: Crazy Rich Asians actress Constance Wu was r*ped by writer, new American Pie movie greenlit and more

From Crazy Rich Asians actress Constance Wu was being raped by an aspiring writer and a new American Pie movie being greenlit to horror movie Smile dominating this week's box office, official movie on Community TV show in the works and Ruben Fleischer to direct Now You See Me 3; it's time to take a look back at all that went down today in the world of entertainment. Here's all what grabbed headlines to make it to the trending Hollywood news today... Ergo, it's time to make a note of the biggest Hollywood newsmakers who've made it to the trending Hollywood news today.

So, without further ado, here are the Hollywood newsmakers of 30th September 2022

Constance Wu was raped by aspiring writer

Crazy Rich Asians and Fresh Off the Boat Actress Constance Wu claims that she was date raped during her initial days in Hollywood by a 36-year old aspiring writer, but has since managed to move on from the horrific incident.

New American Pie movie greenlit

American Pie fans can rejoice as a new installment of the longstanding sex-comedy franchise has been greenlit, with Insecure actor and Definition Please Director Sujata Day set to write and helm it. She's currently in the process of drafting the script.

Horror movie Smile dominating this week's box office

Official movie on Community TV show in the works

Ruben Fleischer to direct Now You See Me 3

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