Deepika Padukone makes her first appearance on ramp after Dua's birth at Sabyasachi show, fans go wild with...

Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone who recently gave birth to her daughter Dua Padukone Singh was seen opening the fashion show as Indian designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee completed 25 years with his brand. Well, Sabyasachi also known as Sabya organised a runway show on Friday. Several popular Bollywood faces graced the red carpet with their presence as the designer celebrated the silver jubilee of his brand.

Deepika returns to the ramp months after becoming a mother and fans cannot keep calm. Various pictures and videos of Deepika slaying on the runway are going viral on social media. In the pictures, Deepika looks drop-dead gorgeous in a white ensemble as she confidently walks the ramp for designer Sabyasachi. Fans are in awe of Deepika's look. While several netizens have noticed the similarity between her look and compared it with veteran actress Rekha.

Watch Deepika Padukone's video

Deepika upped her fashion game with a unique hairdo, black gloves and sizzling accessories which included black shades. Deepika looked nothing less than a diva and bowled everyone with her unique style statement. Fans flooded the comments section as they praised Deepika. One user wrote, 'The ultimate queen', and another commented saying, 'MOTHER'. Third user wrote, 'mother is mothering' and next netizen commented saying, 'truly the queen'.

Deepika is surely a muse to Sabyasachi for his 25th-anniversary show and has marked her first appearance post-motherhood. The diva slayed in a monochromatic white pant, top and completed her look with a trench as she set the ramp on fire with her hotness. The actress wore an opulent layered necklace including a choker and a cross-pendant in rubies and diamonds. She also wore a stack of bracelets and a headband.

Deepika always surprises her fans with her fashion choices and never disappoints anyone.

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