For the past couple of days, netizens have been targeting Aamir Khan starrer Laal Singh Chaddha. #BoycottLaalSinghChaddha has been trending on social media as netizens are upset with Aamir and Kareena Kapoor Khan's previous statements. Now, people on social media are targeting Akshay Kumar starrer Raksha Bandhan and #BoycottRakshaBandhan is trending on Twitter. Well, there are multiple reasons behind #BoycottRakshaBandhan trend, and one of them is the film's writer Kanika Dhillon. Netizens are targeting Kanika for the tweets that she had done a couple of years ago.
People on social media are sharing screenshots of her tweets. A netizen tweeted, "We Hindus are going to boycott #KanikaDhillon she's writer of this movie #RakshaBandhan and you can see her post on social media #BoycottRakshaBandhanMovie #BoycottBollywood #BoycottKanikaDhillon we'll show you dear #KanikaDhillon."
?Meet the writer of Akshay Kumar's Flim Raksha Bandhan #KanikaDhillon !!!!
She was also seen in Anti -CCA protest in JNU along with #TapseePannu #BoycottBollywood #BoycottRakshaBandhanMovie
(@sushant_soul) August 1, 2022
We Hindus are going to boycott #KanikaDhillon she's writer of this movie #RakshaBandhan and you can see her post on social media #BoycottRakshaBandhanMovie #BoycottBollywood #BoycottKanikaDhillon ???? we'll show you dear #KanikaDhillon
Viraj (@Viraj83097708) August 2, 2022
You are against Hindus tradition & also working on a movie called #RakshaBandhan
You basically wants hindu tradition money but hate hindus tradition
We hindus #BoycottRakshaBandhanMovie
Paiso ke liya nachne wale hum difference na samjaye hijab aur ghoonghat me#KanikaDhillon
Namo Fan club (@NamoandRSS) August 2, 2022
You guys already know what to do with @akshaykumar flim Raksha Bandhan. Abhi maza ane wala hai !!#BoycottRakshaBandhanMovie
(@sushant_soul) August 2, 2022
We wonder if like Aamir Khan, Akshay Kumar will also give a statement on the #BoycottRakshaBandhan trend. Recently, during a media interaction, Aamir stated, "I feel sad that some of the people who are saying this, in their hearts, believe that I am someone who doesn't like India. But it is untrue. It is rather unfortunate that some people feel that way. That's not the case. Please don't boycott my film. Please watch my film."
Laal Singh Chaddha and Raksha Bandhan will release on 11th August 2022. The trailers and the songs of the movies have created a good re-release buzz, and it is expected that both the films will do well at the box office.
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